Thursday, July 26, 2007

Quantum Physics and Prosperity Proponents

Quantum Physics (quantum mechanics) is in the loop for many spiritualists, esoteric proponents and it is making its way in the evangelical grounds in order to explain miracles and how to receive them.

But what is quantum physics about?

Amir O. Caldeira, professor of the Gleb Wataghin Physics Institute of the Unicamp (University of Campinas – Brazil), defines it as being “the theory that describes the behavior of matter within the scale of minute things, that is, it is the physics of matter components: atoms, molecules, and nucleus ...”
He, yet, explains that without the knowledge of quantum physics we would not have CD, remote control, microwave oven, computer, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, in sum all high-tech developments.

And for Osvaldo Pessoa Jr. (Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Course of Philosophy, Languages and Human Sciences, of Sao Paulo University), quantum physics “describes microscopic objects, such as atoms, and their interaction with radiation (light etc.)”.
Therefore, it deals with microscopic, subatomic particles, which make up matter and consequently are matter as well.
Quantum physicists, through several experiments have proved that light, which is energy, despite it is not palpable, is matter. For instance, the light materiality can be felt on one’s skin, depending on the kind of light, by its heat.
Light according to quantum physics is composed of quanta, a number of measurable particles (blocks of matter) that emanate energy. Not only light but everything we can see or cannot see with our eyes in nature is made up of these blocks of minute energetic particles.

What is the relationship between this and spirituality?

The answer is that some people are using quantum physics theories in order to try to explain every kind of phenomenon, including spiritual phenomena (or supposed as such).

Almir Caldeira’s words help us to understand that this is a tendency

“[...] all is indicating that quantum mechanics is the correct theory to describe physic phenomena in every energy scale”.

Add to this the fact the some quantum physicists, besides being physicists, are spiritualists and, thus, they end up linking both things and theorizing about spirituality through quantum physics.
I would dare to say that the nonscientific usage of quantum physics begins at this very point where, in my point of view, speculation gains ground.

Many of these speculators claim that the elements forming what we desire and want are in the universe and through our thoughts (which for some are also matter, since the manifestation of thoughts can be observed by electronic apparatus) we can make them gather together, bringing to reality (materiality) what is desired. This argument of the modern positivists is well propagated in the book and film The Secret (commented in previous posts).

Evangelicals’ bonds with prosperity theology are also being influenced, in the heat of the moment, by thoughts of quantum physics and are producing the discourse that we can bring to existence what we think.

Prosperity theology in its pursuit for innovation is using arguments based on quantum physics in an attempt to validate its discourse and practices, that is, it is trying to pass on and sell the idea that we are the owners of the miracle and that miracles only depend on us to come true; we are the ones who are going to attract the energetic material elements and then bring into existence what we want.

There are preachers of prosperity claiming that the smallest particle of matter is the sound. Therefore, for these preachers the words of desire, of faith, have the power to materialize desired things, because God created the world, and all which is in it, through the sound of his words, through the expression let there be. Such theorization, in addition to the understanding that the gospel to be preached is the gospel of the kingdom (and not only the gospel of salvation) is one of the strategies to convince neophytes and gospel workers eager for newness.

For prosperity preachers, the gospel of the kingdom is the one which brings heaven’s dimension to earth in that in heaven any sickness, poorness, lack of this or that cannot exist for just a while.
The gospel that emphasizes affirmations that bring into existence what we desire is seeking by means of quantum physics new elements in order to strengthen itself (one of the prosperity theology’s strategy to maintain itself in evidence and to go on attracting sympathizers for many years is its constant innovation, which doesn’t mean biblical foundation).

Sincere quantum physicists disagree the kind of speculation that is going on lately about spiritual things through the science they study, and they see this as just attempts to give to spiritual theories labels of scientific stuff, credibility.

Writer Marcelo Druyan, one who discusses the true and the false science, thinks the following about the usage of quantum physics to validate spiritual theories:
Pseudoscience seems to have the right to take for itself jargons of Science and make low and poor philosophy. Besides breaking down the door of valid scientific theories, they allow themselves to have a promiscuous relationship with religion and mysticism. They take definitions and concepts out of the original context to put them in different contexts, where theories attempt to prove suppositions and not to explain an experience.
Quantum Mysticism is not just a thing of the moment, it came to stay, it is there! In quantum mysticism, prayers get heaven because they take advantage of the principle of non-locality. The same occurs with telepathy and clairvoyance. Demons are the manifestation of evil which abides in a holographic universe. The saints look after everybody because “everything is in everything”. And God, at least, can play his dice game in peace, hidden in the horizon of events of a huge black hole.

What advice does the Word of God give to us about all of this?

Peter, in his second letter (2 Peter 1:16), advises us to be cautious regarding fabricated inventions strategically organized, which he calls fables:

For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty.

Gospel with feet steadfastly on the ground is something, it seems, that has become hard to find. The keynote today seems to be newness, it doesn’t matter how it comes; what matters are the results coming from the last thing, the thing of the moment, mainly financial results. All has showed us that leaders are being chanted not by the “truths” they have found in the innovations, but by the profits the innovations have given to their proponents. The materialization of properties, comfort and trips are things that, it seems, leaders have enjoyed more then their followers.

How can you say this? somebody could ask me. I have this impression by what it is seen today, by the fruit, by the testimony, on account of the human glory some leaders are receiving, against what they are not able to teach, demystifying wrong understandings (of their followers), that is, that they are not worthy being flattered, divinized. Or would I be materializing mistaken thoughts, which make me see a reality that in deed is not what I’ve seen, at least, in the lives of a great number of our leaders today? (Of course that those who have lived honestly according to the Gospel do not fit in this situation).

Let’s think of it!

José Martins

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