Saturday, October 6, 2007

The message of The Secret has already been manifested in Gospel preachings

You’re a visual being, you have to visualize what you want. Delete the negative image of this or that. What do you want? Money, house, a car, a good job? You have to visualize it. Create a picture in your mind of what you want. God wanted that Abraham visualized the great nation he would be. Abraham only got God’s promises after learning this.

More or less this was the message I heard two months ago. Is it Gospel? Any resemblance with The Secret book is only mere coincidence.
What a spiritual poorness to try to fit the message of Christ with positivist speculations!
It is outrageous to see how preachers of “another gospel”, which is not the gospel of the Bible, who have seized TV broadcasting space, where it could be delivered the gospel of freedom, teach speculations that Jesus never taught in order to attract incautious and desperate people, seeking immediate solutions for their lives.

They are preachers of a gospel of marketing in which what matters the much is the figures (of people as well as of dollars they can get).
If visualize and visualize were the answer, all positivist philosophy followers would be rich. But who has become rich are the proponents of these teachings. And the worst news is that this is around the country (Brazil). And how it makes churches to be packed!
This message runs over everything, even the truth (but the truth in the end will prevail) in order to achieve its intended goals.

These preachers came up with more one thing to believers get stressed: the production of images – Oh, I have to visualize this and that; I can’t make this or that image or I won’t reach my goals (which usually are material ones).

I had already expected to hear this kind of message from the mouth of preachers after the release of The Secret. It didn’t take too long. The resemblance is astonishing. Is the Spirit of Christ inspiring them this way? I don’t think so. I think it is the spirit of self interest that is boosting them to do this, the spirit of exaltation (not of Christ’s humbleness in their lives), the spirit of greed, of self projection …
Where are we going to end up? Every day something new comes out, another newness. This newness dynamic is which has fed this prosperity gospel and has maintained it strong during the years, despite the fact that there are many people frustrated with the few concrete results it has brought to their lives.
Taking into account the time the gospel of prosperity has been preached in Brazil, believers had to be the richest and the most influential people in the country. It did not happened and has not happened because IT WAS NOT THE MESSAGE THAT JESUS PREACHED!!

José Carlos Martins

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